Tip for removing garlic or onion smell from hands and mouth

Tip for removing garlic or onion smell from hands and mouth

There’s an old problem that plagues any food lover: the lingering smell of garlic and onion that remains on our hands after chopping these two essential ingredients. Garlic and onion are essential in the kitchen, but the residual flavor can be annoying and difficult to eliminate. However, there is an incredibly effective trick that is sure to delight those who face this daily dilemma.


Eliminates garlic and onion odor.

The simplest solution to this odor problem comes from a material that is commonly found in all kitchens: stainless steel. Yes, as surprising as it may seem, stainless steel can be a powerful weapon against unpleasant odors left by garlic and onion. This is the reason why stainless steel soaps are marketed, which are extremely easy to use. All it takes is a little water and direct contact with the skin of the hand for the smell to disappear.

However, it is not necessary to buy special stainless steel soaps. Any utensil made of this material that we have at home will work for us. Just rub the surface of the stainless steel utensil against our hands with a little water, and the smell will disappear like magic.

But what happens when the lingering aroma of garlic and onion is not in our hands, but in our mouths? What if you don’t have a toothbrush at hand, or if after brushing your teeth, the smell of garlic and onion persists?

This is where another kitchen utensil made from our flagship material comes in: the stainless steel straw. This small tool can perform the same function as a stainless steel soap. So, just like with our hands, we just pass the stainless steel straw in our mouth, and the smell of garlic and onion will be removed.

It is important to note that this homemade hack is not a scientifically proven solution, but rather a popular and widely shared technique that has helped many people deal with the lingering smell of garlic and onion. Try this trick the next time you find yourself in a smelly situation and see if it works for you!

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