The French invention that claims to eliminate all polluting emissions from diesel and coal boilers

The French invention that claims to eliminate all polluting emissions from diesel and coal boilersImage: Gudella – Depositphotos.

If there is no smoke without fire, we can now heat ourselves without producing smoke. The test with Philippe Rousseau and his anti-pollution device, which eliminates them by recycling them.

This French invention eliminates all polluting emissions from diesel and coal boilers.

This 75-year-old French retiree has been working for 30 years on an invention which has just been validated by APAVE. It would allow polluting boilers to stop emitting toxic fumes.

Whether gas, electric, diesel or wood, our heating systems pollute the atmosphere to a different extent depending on the model used. Among these, the diesel boiler is one of the most polluting. According to the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME),fuel oil emits 300g of CO₂ per kilowatt hour of energy produced, compared to 274g for propane and 234g for gas“.

In Maine-et-Loire, a former Mercedes engine manufacturer has invented a system that allows its diesel boiler to no longer pollute and even to use the pollutants to heat water.


How it works?

Philippe Rousseau is a former engine designer who worked at Mercedes and then at Bosch, where he specialized in exhaust systems.

Today, at 75 years old and using diesel fuel, he and his cats enjoy comfortable warmth without the old diesel boiler emitting any polluting substances. He invented a patented process that completely eliminates toxic fumes from these types of boilers..

His invention confines polluting emissions and recombines them in a reactor. The hydrogen, carbon and oxygen released produce methane which is reinjected into the burner.

Consumption is thus reduced by 10% and efficiency is improved by 15%.“, explains Philippe Rousseau in an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien. Thanks to his invention, he claims that the only thing that “comes out” of your boiler is demineralised water, which you recover and reusesure!

For nearly thirty years, he has transformed his garage into an experimental laboratory. While working for Mercedes, he had already invented a CO₂-free exhaust for 500 hp engines. In 2009, when the Copenhagen conference resulted in a global agreement to fight against global warming, he was convinced that he could go even further than car engines. His house becomes his laboratory and his boiler room a test bench.

Sure, Philippe’s invention is protected by around ten patents and has just been validated by APAVEa control office.

His invention is also of interest to ADEME and a first prototype has been installed at the Barata company, which specializes in steam generators. Philippe Rousseau explains that his technique can be applied in factories, incinerators, but also in coal-fired power stations, which are even more polluting than those that use diesel. Coal remains the main source of electricity generation in the world and is responsible for more than 30% of all emissions from non-renewable energy sources.

Philippe Rousseau admits that Germany is very interested in its pollution control system. This is understandable, since coal is even more widespread in Germany than in other countries.

Via the Parisian

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