July without plastic Take up the challenge! • Esturirafi

plastic free july (plastic free july). Join this global challenge! Thousands of people are sharing their progress, tips and struggles as they try to reduce the amount of plastic waste in their lives.

July without plastic (Plastic Free July) is a global movement helping millions of people to be part of the solution to the problem of plastic pollution. Working together for a cleaner planet.


July without plastic (July without plastic)

plastic free july is an initiative created in 2011 by the team Earth Carers Waste Education with the aim of rejecting single-use plastic during the month of July. Its co-founder, Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, explored issues of plastic waste and ocean pollution through a Churchill Fellowship and has participated in numerous marine debris research expeditions.

Plastic Free July has inspired over 100 million people in 190 countries.

July without plastic aims to raise awareness about the use of plastic, encouraging people to stop using this single-use material for a month. Since its inception in Perth, Australia in 2011, the challenge has spread around the world.

A month without plastic is a big challenge

Organization and planning are the keys to not failing the plastic-free July challenge. That’s why you have to start early. Take note of these tips for overcoming the plastic-free month challenge:

  1. The first phase consists in detecting the type of plastics that you consume the most: cleaning products, hygiene, food… Analyze your bin, be aware of your plastic consumption.
  2. Read, ask, train… We recommend that you read a lot about how to lead a plastic-free life or Zero waste: books, blogs, social networks… Often the solution is simpler than we imagine and we have the answer to the problem at home: glass jars, tupperware… You can download our Zero Waste Guide for beginners.
  3. Look for alternatives. Maybe you can replace it with a plastic-free product? Do it yourself at home? Get rid of this product? Buy it in bulk?
  4. Be ready. Before July, prepare a kit for shopping: cloth bags, jars, tupperware… A kit for traveling or eating out: a reusable bottle, cutlery,
  5. More market and less supermarket! Small markets and stores, in general, are much friendlier when it comes to accepting your reusable containers and bags. In addition, by buying fresh products you will avoid a lot of plastic and unnecessary packaging.
  6. Learn to say no. No bag! No straw! Say goodbye to free stuff that comes in plastic! Before ordering a drink in a restaurant or bar, ask if the bottle is plastic and tell the waiter you don’t want a straw (even if he doesn’t always remember).
  7. Complaint. You can’t find plastic-free options, get your complaint and concern to the culprit’s ears. It’s not worth complaining about in a WhatsApp group or discussing it with a friend. Make your complaint public.
That would be 7 basis points for completing the plastic-free July challenge.

July without plastic

Here we share a series of super useful posts that will help you take up the plastic-free July challenge in different areas of your life: hygiene, cleaning, shopping, recommended reading and interviews that will inspire you:

plastic free personal care

There are plenty of alternatives for zero waste personal care, this Plastic Free July could be the start. The main thing is to choose reusable products, biodegradable materials, without packaging or with plastic-free packaging.

plastic free home

In daily cleaning and feeding, quantities of single-use plastics are used that have zero waste alternatives. The important thing is to go little by little to look for biodegradable options like the loofah sponge, or detergents in biodegradable capsules like those of Dicha&Hecho, the options are multiple!

Avoid plastic when you’re not at home

When you go on a trip or to the restaurant you can also look for single-use plastic-free options, plastic-free July is the best time to start! Reusable bags, stainless steel bottles and thermos or zero waste picnic.

Some recommended reading for Plastic Free July

start with July without plastic We recommend that you start with our Zero Waste Guide, now you can download it for free at this link. Other points of information are the Plastic Free July page itself.

Zero Waste interviews to find more inspiration

Over the years at Esturirafi we have done many interviews with very interesting people, here is Esturirafi’s selection for July Without Plastic:

Will you take part in the July without Plastic challenge? Share your progress and obstacles with the hashtag #Juliosinplastico and #Plasticfreejuly and you can also tag @esturirafi 💚

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