Giloy: A plant with countless healing properties

Giloy is a plant of Indian origin with extraordinary healing power! To give you an idea, in India this plant is recommended by the Ministry of Health because it is considered safe and has properties to cure various diseases.

Its healing power is such that traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic and Chinese have medicines based on this plant.


Botanical information about Giloy

Its scientific name is Tinospora cordifolia a plant belonging to the botanical family Menispermaceae.

In India, it is known as Amrutha balli (marble vine) and also as heart-leaved moonseed.

This herbaceous vine is native to the tropics of India, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka, and is also found in China.

Other names for this plant

It is also known by other names, such as:


It is a mystical Hindu term associated with the expression celestial elixir.


It is a Sanskrit word meaning “something that protects the whole body”.


Word also from Sanskrit which means immortality That is nectar of life .

Amrutha Balli

The Indian expression amrutha balli means marble vine.

Features of Giloy

This bush with many interwoven elongated branches has spread widely.

Due to the shape of its fruits and leaves, it is called the heart-leaved moonseed.

Its fruit is reddish and its flowers are small, with 6 greenish yellow petals which bloom when the plant is leafless.

The fruits are ovoid in shape and form clusters that hang from thick stems.

The clusters contain one to three fruits.

Healing Uses of Giloy

Giloy is used to treat conditions such as:

  • Meadow
  • Diabetes
  • release
  • jaundice
  • fever
  • urinary problems
  • asthma
  • Diarrhea
  • skin infections
  • anorexia
  • scabies
  • chikungunya
  • dengue fever
  • eye problems

Giloy Healing Compounds

The extensive healing power of this plant comes from various plant compounds it contains, such as:


Terpenoids contribute to the aroma, flavor and color of this plant and also have antiviral, antimicrobial, anticancer and antidiabetic properties.


Steroid compounds give this plant the ability to:

  • healing
  • promote cardiovascular health
  • lower blood cholesterol levels


Alkaloids are compounds responsible for the bitterness of this plant and its healing properties, such as:

  • pain relief
  • prevention and fight against cancer
  • malaria treatment
  • relief of intestinal spasms


Lignans are compounds found mainly in fibrous plants and have the effect of preventing the proliferation of viruses, fungi and other microbes, as well as having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and also slowing growth or even killing certain types of cancer cells.


Giloy stem contains a group of polysaccharides including arabinose and arabinogalactans that act as prebiotics, i.e. food/nutrients for the good bacteria in the gut, thereby supporting a healthy microbiome in the gut. intestine.

This property is important for maintaining the intestine in good working order and, consequently, a balanced immunity.

Advantages of Giloy

Due to its chemical compounds and properties, giloy confers the following health benefits:

control diabetes

Giloy lowers blood sugar by making cells less resistant to insulin.

One of the alkaloid compounds in giloy is berberine, which works by lowering blood sugar.

Berberine works in the same way as metformin, a conventional diabetes medication.

Prevents the risk of heart disease

The berberine in giloy also lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and lowers blood pressure, thereby preventing the onset or development of heart disease.

Protects body cells.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, giloy protects the body’s cells from the action of free radicals and oxidative damage, preventing the appearance of cancer and fighting against the development of this disease.

Strengthens the immune system

Giloy strengthens and improves the immune system, so it prevents and treats allergies, flu and infections in general, as well as fighting viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.

anti-arthritic effect

Giloy helps reduce joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis because it works by decreasing the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

fights osteoporosis

This vine improves bone matrix mineralization, preventing and treating osteoporosis.

Acts as a hepatoprotector

Giloy is an effective hepatoprotective agent due to its ability to promote liver regeneration.

It also increases the level of glutathione (GSH), a compound beneficial to liver health, thereby helping the liver to detoxify toxic wastes from the body.

Giloy is neuroprotective

Tinospora cordifolia it has neuroprotective activity because it modulates the antioxidant enzyme system of brain tissue and preserves dopaminergic neurons.

This herb also increases the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, thereby improving cognitive abilities (learning and memory).

Prevents and treats respiratory diseases

This herb is traditionally used to treat conditions such as bronchitis, colds, sore throats and chronic coughs.

This medicinal benefit is due to its powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help calm the lining of the respiratory system.

Has anti-aging power

Because it is rich in flavonoids, it fights cell damage and stimulates cell renewal. Moreover, it nourishes the skin and increases the production of collagen, thus reducing the signs of aging.

Unsurprisingly, in India, the giloy is considered the immortality herb .

Improves physical performance and relieves stress

This human study showed that T.cordifolia it improved physical performance and suppressed sympathetic nervous system activation showing its adaptogenic (stress relief) property.

Fight Covid-19 with Giloy

During the pandemic, the Indian health system recommended in its Covid-19 prevention and treatment protocol the use of giloy as a support to help keep the immune system strong.

A human study was even conducted using an Ayurvedic medicine widely used in India, based on giloy, to test the effectiveness of this plant in the treatment of Covid-19.

The results showed that such a drug can benefit the treatment of asymptomatic patients with Covid-19 so that Nope develop this disease.

Recommended dose

According to clinical trials, the appropriate dose is 300 mg of stem extract of this plant, which can be taken 3 times a day for up to 8 weeks.

Precautions for use of Giloy

As potent and healthy as a plant is, it requires a balance in its use and consumption so as NOT to exceed the maximum dose and end up having side effects or adverse reactions.

To prevent this from happening, here are some precautions and precautions for use:

  • People who use medication to treat diabetes should avoid the use of this plant, as it can trigger hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Those who suffer from autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or Crohn’s disease should avoid its use because giloy stimulates the immune system, causing it to attack healthy cells in the body, which can exacerbate the symptoms of These conditions.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding because Nope there are enough studies in humans.

see a doctor

For all purposes, consult a health professional before taking giloy. Use supplements only with a prescription.

how to use giloy

Giloy can be found for medicinal use in the forms of:

  • tablets
  • capsules
  • tea (root, stem and dried leaves)
  • color
  • lotion
  • cream
  • ointment

The instructions on how to take and dosage prescribe in the label or notice of the product.

where to find giloy

Being an Indian plant, it is easier to find giloy for medicinal use in virtual herbalists and herbaria .

nectar of life

Considering the many benefits that this plant can provide for immunity and the treatment of various diseases, it is worth using it without exaggerating and always relying on the the supervision of a doctor, Sure!

It should be mentioned that although Nope There are many studies in humans, giloy has been effective and has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. For this reason, the Indian health system has incorporated this medicinal herb as a treatment protocol for diseases such as Covid-19.

By Deise Aur. Articles in English

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