Financing to install solar panels at home

If you are considering or have already decided to join solar energy, we tell you what are the different types of financing you can choose to install solar panels in your home and obtain clean energy.

How to make homemade solar panels

The first step, before embarking on a search for financing, is to contact an experienced photovoltaic company that carries out a study of your home to find out if installing solar panels can be profitable for you. Among the factors to consider will be your own consumption, the orientation and the space you have available for the placement of the plates.

If the answer is positive, it will be time to arm yourself with patience to study and evaluate which is the most suitable option for you, because there are different types of financing installing solar panels in your home that might interest you.


Photovoltaic credits

Several banking entities have subscribed to specific lines of financing of renewable energy projects. You can find them in the form of green lines of finance, green lines of credit, betting on green, loans for energy efficiency, or similar.

These credits are intended for individuals, to be able to install solar energy in their homes, and you can also find credits for small businesses and shops. What characterizes these credits is that their interest is generally a little lower and that they generally offer attractive conditions, but you always have to make a good comparison.

Personal loans

The personal loans They are another form of financing to consider. The advantage it offers is that you will not only have banking entities at your disposal, but there are a large number of financial institutions that offer all kinds of conditions. For this, to make a quick and efficient search, you can use loan comparators, such as, to easily find out the conditions of each one. Once you have it, check what the interests are and compare with the rest of the data obtained in the rest of the funding proposals.

Rental of solar panels

The rental of solar panels is similar to a rental service carried out by certain installation companies. Unlike the previous options, in this case the installation of the solar panels will not be your property, everything is the responsibility of the company and you, in exchange for a monthly rent, take advantage of the electricity they produce these plates.

Like any other type of rental, the conditions are subject to a contract which indicates the amount of payment, your duties and rights, the duration of the contract, if they are responsible for the maintenance and necessary repairs of the plates, etc

Financing by the installation company

Not all companies offer this, but there are solar panel installation companies that offer their own financing methods and can be competitive. Generally, this financing is usually produced by agreements between the company itself and the banks, in order to offer its customers additional services like this, although you can find companies that finance with their own funds.

Photovoltaic cooperatives

Co-ops are the order of the day and are one of the most interesting systems for making big changes like this. These are consumer associations that come together for a common purpose, such as one or more communities of owners who decide to bet on renewable energies for their block, for example.

They have several ways of working, it is done on a case-by-case basis, but the most frequent is that all the members of the cooperative come together to do a collective lawsuit and thus they can receive cheaper budgets for all the members.

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