ECOncrete, coastal concrete blocks designed to protect marine life

ECOncrete is a new product in the form of unique blocks. When installed along marinas, they can help prevent shoreline erosion and create habitat for wildlife.

These exciting building blocks can also be used to build coastal infrastructure and offshore foundations for renewable energy projects.


ECOncreto sequesters carbon.

It mimics stable shoreline structures, such as boulders, which create caves and surfaces for marine life to cling to.

The company that created ECOncrete has completed 40 installations of these modules in six countries. The company works with several partners, such as the US Department of Energy, Brooklyn Bridge Park and the Port of San Diego.

Made with a special additive added to the concrete, “mixed“, the blocks comply with coastal and marine building regulations.

The “additive” creates a chemically balanced concrete that is healthier for marine ecosystems. The blocks also have an above-average lifespan.

In addition, what differentiates this product from normal concrete is that it is composed of three components.

Your goal is reduce the ecological footprint of concrete and, at the same time, create new opportunities for biodiversity and healthy ecosystems.

On the other hand, texturizing agents such as mold modifiers, finishes and coatings create a surface on which marine life can thrive.

The molds also have a shape that helps the concrete structurally. Plus, they’re shaped to mimic the natural habitat of wildlife.

Together, this translates to 700% more carbon sequestration and 200% more species biodiversity than using normal concrete for marine infrastructure projects.

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